The 20th issue of Shogakukan's Weekly Shonen Sunday, which was officially published today in Japan, announced that the serialization of Kenji Taguchi's Ane Log: Moyako Neesan no Tomaranai Monologue (Older Sister Moyako's Never-ending Monologue) ...
Ane Log - Il 18esimo numero di quest'anno della rivista Weekly Shonen Sunday di Shogakukan ha annunciato che lo shonen manga Ane Log di Kenji Taguchi finirà nel corso dei prossimi tre capitoli. Se il manga non subirà pause o ritardi, ecco che ciò ...
Can Karakoc Samstag, 2. April 2016 Manga, Manga in Japan. anelog Wie die 18. Ausgabe von Shogakukans Weekly Shonen Sunday Magazin am Mittwoch bekannt gab, wird der Manga von Kenji Taguchi, „Ane Log“, am 20. April 2016 enden.
Wie die aktuelle Ausgabe des Weekly Shonen Sunday schreibt, wird Kenji Taguchi seinen Manga beenden. Geplant sind noch drei Kapitel bis zum 20. April. Ane Log handelt von Moyako Konoe und ihren jüngeren Bruder Akria. Moyako denkt über ihren ...
This year's 18th issue of Shogakukan 's Weekly Shonen Sunday magazine announced on Wednesday that Kenji Taguchi will conclude his Ane Log sibling comedy manga in three more chapters. If the manga is not delayed, it will end on April 20. The manga's ...
No Sul e Sudeste, este percentual varia de 12% a 15% de acordo com uma pesquisa feita pela Associação Nordestina de Logística (Anelog) que será apresentada hoje às 19 horas na palestra A Logística e Seus Desafios no Nordeste. “A região perde ...