Mike de Seve (MdS): Well, being an American gets stranger the more you know about our covert history. Having grown up in a time and place where America stood for peace and democracy, and Iran was considered the devil (in my town, Khomeini dart ...
Daniel Burwen (DB): The inspiration came from originally wanting to prevent unnecessary war with Iran, after feeling disgust and frustration with the Iraq war in 2002. I discovered Overthrow by Stephen Kinzer in 2007, and immediately felt like I had ...
WASHINGTON, July 10, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Energy Storage Association (ESA) today announced it has hired energy policy expert Jason Burwen as the organization's Policy & Advocacy Director. Mr. Burwen previously served as ...
The Kenai River was the first place where managers used sonar in a river to count fish, said Debby Burwen, a fisheries biologist who has been with the Kenai River chinook salmon sonar project since 1986. The first project was the sockeye sonar counter ...
The Kenai River was the first place where managers used sonar in a river to count fish, said Debby Burwen, a fisheries biologist who has been with the Kenai River chinook salmon sonar project since 1986. The first project was the sockeye sonar counter ...