News from Lavernock
A scheme to build a causeway from Brean to Lavernock in Wales is back on the drawing board. With the final investment decision on Hinkley C now put back months the decade long debate about a tidal barrage to harness the power of the tides Is once again ...
A strong wind and squalls of rain greeted competitors and spectators at the annual pancake race held by members of Cheddar and Banwell Women's Institutes. Pictured are,Mrs. K. Hicks and Mrs. D. Evans (right) who tied for first place, with Mrs. M.A ...
This was the world's first demonstration of the transmission of radio signals over open sea, between Lavernock Point and Flat Holm Island, a distance of three miles. Radio or 'wireless' was first used aboard ships early in the 20th century. The ...
Il ritrovamento è avvenuto a poca distanza da Cardiff, a Lavernock Point dove, tra alcune rocce risalenti ad un'epoca compresa tra il tardo Triassico ed il Giurassico inferiore, un team di archeologi ha isolato le ossa di una nuova specie di dinosauro, ...
C'est un fossile exceptionnel qui a été découvert par deux frères paléontologues amateurs, durant une expédition côtière conduite en 2014 sur la pointe de Lavernock, à quelques kilomètres au sud de Cardiff, au Pays de Galles. Les deux chasseurs de ...
The theropod dinosaur was discovered by brothers Nick and Rob Hanigan while they were hunting for fossils in rock fall along Lavernock beach. Sam Davies, a palaeontology student, found a dinosaur foot nearby, later confirmed to be from the same ...
Photos from Lavernock
Zip Code from Lavernock
CF64 5UL
CF64 5XQ
CF64 5XS
Glendale Hotel Glendale Hotel
Plymouth Road
CF64 3DH Penarth
Holm House Holm House
Marine Parade
CF64 3BG Penarth, Cardiff
Manor House Hotel Manor House Hotel
Sully Road
CF64 2TQ Penarth