Stewkley Singers was brought together by Jenny Morgan just before Christmas 2006 to form a church choir for a candlelit Service of Nine Lessons and Carols. And some of those original 14 are still going strong in a choir that has evolved to include 60 ...
Householders in Fishweir, Stewkley got so fed up with nine silver birch trees, that they told parish council officials that they wished to use the Anti Social Behaviour Act 2003 against the owners of the land because 'reasonable enjoyment of the ...
During the show Stewkley became the capital of the UK as Al aimed to form a cabinet from the audience to implement his common-sense policies. In the second half he did a Governor's Question Time in which he gave his views on benefits, immigration and a ...
At a meeting at The Oculus in Aylesbury on Thursday, January 7, councillors voted to reject an application in Stewkley for the demolition of 66 High Street North and an outbuilding and a subsequent development of up to 14 homes including parking and an ...
The Orchard, which is based in High Street South, Stewkley was branded inadequate in a report published on Christmas Eve. But the home's owner Pauline Hannelly dismissed the findings, saying that the inspection was as a result of one unfounded ...
The Orchard care home in Stewkley has been branded as inadequate after its latest inspection. Inspectors have placed the home into special measures and in the report stated that every area needs improving to pass the next inspection. Things like ...