The rail project is the first private-public partnership (P3) in Edmonton and the first undertaking for Bechtel's new P3-dedicated business group. TransEd Partners also includes Bombardier, Ellis-Don and Fengate Capital Management. The P3, according to ...
PURFC at Fengate: Jessica Bailey and her friends collecting for Little Miracles. The five-year-old designed the rugby shirt for the match EMN-160416-172751009. Stephen Briggs. Email. 06:00 Saturday 23 April 2016. 0. Have your say. Peterborough Rugby ...
Betting heavily on the continued growth of the Oakville,, Ont. market and the GTA in general, Fengate Capital Management recently unveiled real estate deals that combined with prior acquisitions, give it 47 acres of contiguous lands with over 1.1 ...
VAUGHAN, ON, le 21 avril 2016 /CNW/ - La demande de propositions est maintenant clôturée pour les équipes de la liste restreinte invitées à soumissionner pour la conception, la construction, le financement et l'entretien du nouvel Hôpital Mackenzie ...
VAUGHAN, ON, April 21, 2016 /CNW/ - The request for proposals stage has closed for shortlisted teams to submit bids to design, build, finance and maintain the new Mackenzie Vaughan Hospital. Following a fair, open and transparent request for ...
VAUGHAN, ON, April 21, 2016 /CNW/ - The request for proposals stage has closed for shortlisted teams to submit bids to design, build, finance and maintain the new Mackenzie Vaughan Hospital. Following a fair, open and transparent request for ...