Board member Nick Crosthwaite opposed adding $10 to the registration fee. He said part of his understanding was that when the technology bond passed, the money would be used to help with the repairs, adding he does not believe an additional $10 ...
Army Cadets from Antim & Ballymena Detachments, C Company, 1st Battalion who received their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Awards. Cadt Cpl Morgan Crosthwaite, Cdt Cpl Amy Gillespie, (Antrim Detachment) & Cdt CSgt Caitlin McCombe (Ballymena ...
Fueron seis votos positivos de los concejales Steven Cárdenas, Judith Giraldo, Carlos Mario Gil, Carlos Alberto Henao, Edwar James Murillo, Fernando Pineda y uno negativo de Carlos Alfredo Crosthwaite, se dio paso del proyecto a su segundo debate en ...
Este se llevó a cabo entre las comisiones segunda y tercera integradas por Carlos Alfredo Crosthwaite (Polo Democrático), Carlos Alberto Henao (MIRA), Steven Cárdenas (Conservador), Carlos Mario Gil (la U), Judith Giraldo y Edward James Murillo ...
A WOMAN is taking on a gruelling walk to raise money for charity. Dental nurse Jacqui Crosthwaite, 52, from Seaford, will be walking from London to Brighton in aid of Dog Assistance in Disability (Dog AID.). The charity helps people with disabilities ...
... to be involved in one of the future Ballantrae Farmers' Markets or the Ballantrae Festival of Food and Drink should contact Susan Crosthwaite on 01465831363 or email The market on April, 17 will run from 11am until 3pm.