A humorous and thought-provoking comedy currently showing on Broadway, “Sylvia,” by A.R. Gurney, opens Nov. 13 at Hastings Community Theatre. It stars local talent Margaret Marsh as Sylvia, a stray poodle mix who adopts Greg (Ed Jarmer) in a New ...
That is what centenarian Margaret Marsh – known to her family as Peg – told the Surrey Comet as she prepared to celebrate her landmark birthday this week. She said: “The only thing I can say is I have always been lucky, with very good health. “I have ...
Margaret Marsh, Reigate, Surrey, writes. My husband and I will be visiting Dubai next April with our daughter, who will be 20 months old. We are staying with friends but would welcome any tips about places to go with a toddler. This will be our first ...
By Margaret Marsh. On Wednesday, the University of Medicine and Dentistry Advisory Committee recommended that Rowan University and Rutgers-Camden “unite under the Rowan name.” The goal of such a merger would be “to support Cooper Medical ...