In Winchester, St Catherines View dementia care home will be holding an event on Friday , with Abbotts Barton residential home hosting their fundraiser on Saturday . Both will start at 10.30am. As well as a get-together and an abundance of coffee ...
Sylke Krämer, secretary of Abbotts Barton Community Group, said: "There are many who voiced their concerns that they didn't want any houses in any of the green areas, which I understand. I don't really want them, but we need houses so there has to be ...
WINCHESTER City Council is set to build 50 affordable homes in Abbotts Barton over the next six years. A council committee will discuss the £7.5m plans at a meeting tomorrow morning (Feb 27). It is part of an overall programme to build 350 affordable ...
The 32-space car park on Hillier Way, Abbotts Barton, has been used by commuters for years. But now the city council is to introduce waiting restrictions in the car park and at various spots along Hillier Way near the rugby club. The maximum stay will ...
IT might not sound much, but one inch makes all the difference for Brian Espiner in visiting his new granddaughter. She is in London, while he lives at Abbotts Barton in Winchester and travels to the capital by train. The problem is that his mobility ...