A 17-year-old boy named Pavan Kumar, from Settisara village in the Malnad region of Karnataka, could not bear to see his mother make repeated trips to a distant well every evening after work to fetch water for the family. His mother, Nethravathi, works ...
While Dashrath Manjhi in Bihar carved out a 360 foot road along a hillock in memory of his wife, Phalguni Devi, this 17-year-old boy from Settisara village in Sagar taluk has dug a 55-ft-deep open well on his own to reduce the hardship of his mother ...
While Dashrath Manjhi in Bihar carved out a 360 foot road along a hillock in memory of his wife, Phalguni Devi, this 17-year-old boy from Settisara village in Sagar taluk has dug a 55-ft-deep open well on his own to reduce the hardship of his mother ...
Pupils from St John's Primary School and Welwyn Hatfield Council's tree wardens joined officers to plant trees and shrubs on Friday, March 18. As well as providing outdoor classroom space for the children to learn about nature, the new orchard will be ...
The rainbow was spotted over Digswell Viaduct, between Welwyn Garden City and Digswell on Sunday, March 27. Storm Katie, the 11th storm to be named by the Met Office, brought strong winds and heavy rain to Hertfordshire over the Easter weekend.
An aerial view of the Flying Scotsman going over the Digswell Viaduct near Welwyn Garden City. Photo: PA. Trespassers who stormed the railway line to see The Flying Scotsman at Biggleswade in Bedfordshire last month have cost Network Rail nearly ...