Henry Mannings of Great Ellingham, reunited with his 70-year-old tortoise, Speedy, nicknamed Houdini after she keeps escaping. Speedy was found when a local fisherman took a selfie with her when he found Speedy at local fishing lakes. Picture: DENISE ...
It happened on Tuesday, June 2, between 7.15am and 4.20pm, at a property in Attleborough Road. An unknown number of intruders carried out an untidy search before stealing a Canon SLR camera. Call police on 101 ...
The plans, submitted earlier in 2014 by Justin and Simon Wilkins of Ellingham Road, Attleborough, envisaged building six detached houses, six semi-detached houses and one detached bungalow on land situated between Church Street and Attleborough ...
Lisa Cooper, 20, was seen driving in a “aggressive” manner for about 14 minutes before the crash on the B1077 at Great Ellingham, when she overtook a Mercedes van and was involved in a head on crash with Christine Venables, who was coming in the ...
The road was closed between the Great Ellingham and The Stag roundabouts to allow the East Anglian Air Ambulance to land. It reopened at about 1pm. Two people travelling in the car were taken to the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital by land.
The 160 children at Attleborough High School on Wednesday and Friday came from schools in villages across the area, including Great Ellingham, Rocklands and Hingham while both Attleborough Junior and Attleborough High schools were also ...