Residents of Burgh House in Leslie were given free home safety lessons by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and Police Scotland. Photo shows the fire service's Red Watch Glenrothes and Glenrothes area neighbourhood safety group with residents.
Paramedics were called to the Waveney River Centre , Burgh St Peter, near Beccles, at midday on Sunday, following reports a girl had been found unconscious in a pool. The girl was taken to the James Paget Hospital at Gorleston where she died later.
Want dat er nóg iemand uit Burgh-Haamstede op de gebombardeerde PSD-boot van Zierikzee naar Katseveer zat, heeft De Vrieze pas ontdekt. Net als het verhaal van Willem-Jan Zijta die vanuit de Arbeitseinsatz even naar huis ging om zijn pasgeboren kind ...
A 7-year-old girl has died after being found unconscious in a swimming pool at a holiday park on the Norfolk and Suffolk border. The girl was pulled from the indoor pool at the Waveney River Centre in Burgh St Peter in an 'unresponsive' state at ...
WILLEMSTAD – Zonder echt te overtuigen en zonder heel diep te hoeven gaan, boekte Kogelvangers zaterdag een 5-0 overwinning op het al gedegradeerde DFS uit Burgh Haamstede. Bij rust was al een onoverbrugbare 3-0 voorsprong genomen. Ondanks ...
Supermarket chiefs have submitted a planning application for a pay-at-pump station with eight filling points at the store in Reigate Road – just a stone's throw from the existing Shell garage at the junction with Brighton Road. The supermarket will ...