The incident happened on Saturday, January 23 at 4.15pm at the sand ramp, at the end of Beach Road in Eccles-on-sea. The bite caused heavy bruising and a small puncture to the victim's right arm. The dog is described as a tan/brown-coloured pitbull ...
Officers are appealing for witnesses to come forward following an incident that took place on Saturday 23 January 2016 at 4.15pm at the 'sand ramp' at the end of beach road in Eccles-on-sea. A female was bitten by a dog which caused heavy bruising and ...
His home, yards from the sea at Eccles' North Gap, has a collection of paintings and early photographs in the hallway showing the tower of Eccles church, and it's changing position relative to the menacing sea over time. The earliest one, an 1823 ...
Second world war nurse Beryl Kerrison, 93, phoned Mrs Garraway after reading the story and enthusiastically joined the effort from her home in Eccles on Sea, near Stalham, and has kept her knitting needles clicking ever since. Their efforts were ...