I READ with absolute disgust an article written by T Williams and published on NewZimbabwe.com. It was titled 'We all miss Rhodesia and Ian Smith'. The writer had high praises for the leader of Rhodesia's darkest hour, Ian Smith. The claim that we all ...
There recently was a picture doing rounds on social media of a road in Rhodesia where there were only buses on the road and only one car. There was an outcry that Rhodesians had perfect roads and granted the roads looked clear. However, the fact of the ...
There recently was a picture doing rounds on social media of a road in Rhodesia where there were only buses on the road and only one car. There was an outcry that Rhodesians had perfect roads and granted the roads looked clear. However, the fact of the ...
There recently was a picture doing rounds on social media of a road in Rhodesia where there were only buses on the road and only one car. There was an outcry that Rhodesians had perfect roads and granted the roads looked clear. However, the fact of the ...
In his biography, "Serving secretly: An intelligence chief on record, Rhodesia to Zimbabwe, 1964 to 1981", published in 1987, (more or less the same period when "See you in November"), Flower captures what led to the Nhari/Badza rebellion in the ...
It is well known that the Rhodesian forces' counter-insurgency activities were meant to derail the liberation struggle, and create divisions and disunity among the liberation movements zanla (zanu) and zipra (Zapu). They also created inter-and intra ...