Premiera procesorów Intel Broadwell-E zbliża się coraz większymi krokami, a w sieci pojawiają się kolejne, nieoficjalne wyniki wydajności. Tym razem mamy dla Was porównanie osiągów Core i7-5820K i Core i7-6850K – zestawienia obydwóch modeli ...
Die Chips verfügen mit der Iris Pro 580 über die schnellste iGPU von Intel und besitzen einen eDRAM-Speicher, dessen Funktionalität im Vergleich zu der Version, die in den Broadwell-Chips steckt, erweitert wurde. Intel hat seiner Preisliste drei neue ...
Caratteristica di spicco di queste CPU è di sicuro il TDP contenuto (da 25 a 45 Watt) oltre all'integrazione di tutte le features dei processori Broadwell, dall' Hyper-Threading, passando alla virtualizzazione VT-x/VT-d e in alcuni modelli anche il ...
p> <p>Compared to their Broadwell counterparts, all three new chips have higher maximum frequencies. However, the new Core i5-6685R chip has a higher base frequency than the Core i5-5675R as well, the latter of which is clocked at 3.1GHz. The older ...
A 12-year-old boy was punched twice in the face in Middlesbrough by an angry taxi driver after a snowball hit his cab. The attack happened after a snowball accidentally hit the taxi, on Broadwell Road, at about 7.40am on Tuesday, April 26, but ...
A 12-year-old boy was punched in the face by a taxi driver after a snowball was thrown at the car. The child was assaulted on Broadwell Road, in Easterside, Middlesbrough , near to Beechwood and Easterside Social Club at 7.40am last Thursday. Cleveland ...