SOMERSET - Fiona Geraghtyová z britského Nailsbourne bola úplne normálnym dievčaťom, ktoré v žiadnom prípade netrpelo nadváhou. Spolužiačky však začali mať poznámky, že potrebuje schudnúť. Pocit nespokojnosti, ktorý nadobudla, podporili aj ...
The death of a teenage girl who was found hanged while suffering from an eating disorder has been blamed on the fashion industry's obsession with thinness. Fiona Geraghty, 14, a public schoolgirl from Nailsbourne, near Taunton, was found dead in her ...
A coroner has blasted the fashion industry after a bright schoolgirl who had struggled with an eating disorder hanged herself. 14-year-old Fiona Geraghty was found dead at her home, in Nailsbourne, Somerset, last year after battling with bulimia. She ...
THE head master of a school girl who was found hanged has denied she was bullied by her peers. The body of Fiona Geraghty, 14, was found by her father at home in the village of Nailsbourne, north of the town, on July 14 last year. Speaking today, on ...
Dr Elspeth Geraghty, of Nailsbourne, also said she felt 'let down' by psychiatric experts who saw Fiona only four times before discharging her. 'I am disappointed that the college failed to apply its own learning to its behaviour,' she told the inquest ...
She was found hanging out of her bedroom window at her detached family home in Nailsbourne, near Taunton, last July by her father John, a consultant histopathologist. Yesterday, Somerset Coroners Court in Taunton heard Fiona's mother Elspeth, a GP ...