Unemployed Nohman Ali from Stoney Lane, Sparkhill, was charged with attempted rape last night and was remanded to appear at Birmingham Magistrates Court today. The alleged attack happened in the early hours of Sunday, April 17, at around 1.30am.
The self-appointed fictional community leader Citizen Khan is leaving the streets of Sparkhill and going on a national tour. The comedy character's creator, Adil Ray, has been filmed undergoing his make-up transformation into his bumbling alter ego ...
The self-appointed fictional community leader Citizen Khan is leaving the streets of Sparkhill and going on a national tour. The comedy character's creator, Adil Ray, has been filmed undergoing his make-up transformation into his bumbling alter ego ...
21-letni Damian B. jest oskarżony o morderstwo, do którego doszło w Birmingham. W hostelu przy Durham Road w dzielnicy Sparkhill znaleziono ciało 52-letniego mężczyzny. Początkowo policja aresztowała również 9 innych osób, z których część została ...
A MAN has been charged with murder after a body was found at a hostel in Sparkhill. Damien Borowiec, aged 21, of Durham Road, has been remanded in custody accused of killing a 52-year-old man who was discovered dead at the hostel on Durham Road ...
Wczoraj wieczorem policja oskarżyła 21-letniego mężczyznę o zamordowanie 52-latka, którego zwłoki znaleziono w domu w Sparkhill. Oskarżonym jest zamieszkały przy Durham Road Damien Borowiec. Mężczyzna pozostaje w areszcie do czasu stawienia ...