The group of intrepid travellers, named Team Retribution, included Peter Sutton and Graham Walker from PMW Communications in Billingshurst, Peter's sons Luke and Christopher, and their friend Tommi Hammond. The team was lead by outdoor adventure ...
Two crews from Horsham and one from Billingshurst were immediately sent to the scene followed by a crew from Crawley. Firefighters remain at the house and Sussex Police has closed Bashurst Hill at the A264 Five Oaks Road. It is likely to remain closed ...
They were called to the property in Bashurst Hill, near Billingshurst. Two crews from Horsham and one from Billingshurst were immediately sent to the scene followed by a crew from Crawley. Firefighters remain at the house and Sussex Police has closed ...
SUS-160423-091023001. Two crews from Horsham and one from Billingshurst were sent to the scene, and a fourth crew from Crawley later joined. Relief crews are still at the scene and Bashurst Hill is currently closed in both directions at the A264 Five ...
West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service received reports of a roof fire at a property on Bashurst Hill in Itchingfield, near Horsham, shortly after 00.30am. Two crews from Horsham and one from Billingshurst were sent to the scene, and a fourth crew from ...
SUS-160423-091023001. Two crews from Horsham and one from Billingshurst were sent to the scene, and a fourth crew from Crawley later joined. Relief crews are still at the scene and Bashurst Hill is currently closed in both directions at the A264 Five ...