Arrestation de Adel Zouaghi et de quatre responsables syndicaux du CHU Habib Bourguiba de Sfax. | publié le 26/04/2016 16:12. Adel Zouaghi et quatre autres membres du bureau syndical de l'hôpital Habib Bourguiba de Sfax ont été ...
Il Partito Conservatore guidato dall'uomo d'affari Akram Qortam – riferisce il sito online del quotidiano Ahram – ha ricordato, infatti, la “selvaggia uccisione” di un cittadino egiziano - Sherif Adel Habib - a Londra, esortando le autorità britanniche ...
Adel al-Jubeir said he would like to strengthen bilateral relations and noted Kazakhstan's role in developing the Islamic world. In the first part of the day, following the talks, the foreign ministers signed a memorandum of understanding on political ...
Adel H. (28) versuchte noch bei seiner Verhaftung, die SIM-Karte seines Handys einem dritten Flüchtling zu geben – der auch festgenommen wurde. Beim Verhör gaben Adel H. und Mohamed U. (23) zu, dass sie bei den Anschlägen von Paris mitmachen ...
TRUSTED FRIENDS: Minister of Culture and Information Dr. Adel Al-Toraifi was in Baku on Tuesday for the 7th Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilization (UNAOC) hosted by Azerbaijan. ABDUL HANNAN TAGO. Published — Thursday 28 ...
The victim's uncle - who is based in Egypt - said his nephew Sherif Adel Habib Mikhail was a mechanics engineering student at London's Greenwich University, and held a dual British and Egyptian citizenship. Fouad Mikhail told the local news website ...