Fosdyke Bridge - A Guinness Rekordok könyve szerint még az egykilós Bobby a világ legkisebb báránya, de ez már a múlté. Hirdetés. Belinda Needham szeretettel öleli magához a kis Tökmagot (Fotó: Northfoto). Az angliai Lincolnshire egyik farmján világra ...
Weighing in at less tham 815 grammes and only seven inches high, he is believed to be the world's smallest lamb. Titch is thought to be the smallest lamb in the world - born at Fosdyke Bridge and smaller than a daffodil. Farmers in Durham believed ...
A crash involving two cars near Fosdyke Bridge led to morning misery for motorists using the A17 today. The crash happened between a Ford Fiesta and Saab shortly before 11am and police were forced to close the road between the bridge and Sutterton ...