The transfer of ownership of the two plants, along with a quarry at Cauldon Low and a cement terminal at Belfast Docks, was finalised on 20 July 2015 and also involves the transfer of 250 employees from the existing operations to Aggregate Industries.
Walk this way: The limestone of Cauldon Low. wALK cAULDON, STAFFS. 06:00 Sunday 18 August 2013. 0. Have your say. Route: 1 : From the road corner head east along the gravel track, walking away from Cauldon. Go through a gate and continue up a ...
The transfer of ownership of the two plants, along with a quarry at Cauldon Low and a cement terminal at Belfast Docks, was finalised on Monday 20th July 2015 and also involves the transfer of 250 employees from the existing operations to Aggregate ...