The defendant, of New Field End, Warslow, also admitted failing to stop when required to do so by a police constable on the same date. North Staffordshire Justice Centre heard Cliffe was breathalysed and gave a reading of 82 micrograms of alcohol in ...
Six new affordable homes built in a rural village are still standing empty – almost five years after they were constructed. Now due to the lack of maintenance the homes are showing signs of deterioration. The news of the properties' fate comes at a ...
At this point we feel like people who were wanting to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens have done so (maybe more than once). Whether moviegoers stood in line for hours to be one of the first or went to the theater a few weeks after the film's initial ...
Sarah Mellor is making the appeal about Milo the black cat, pictured, who has gone missing from the Warslow area. She said: "I had a black cat called Milo from 2010. "I had to put him up for fostering about two months ago and he went to a friend who ...
A Staffordshire Moorlands village hall will be the venue for a charity meal in aid of supporting children in shanty towns in Peru. The evening meal with a live band will take place at Warslow Village Hall on Saturday, October 17, at 7.30pm. Co ...
A bed push from Warslow to Hartington has raised £1,258.45. It was organised by the ladies committee from Cavendish House Royal British Legion in Hartington and involved walking around three miles. Now Hartington Poppy Queen, Alice Wager, has ...