Readers may well be aware that the Queen's Road Medical Centre, in Clarendon Park, Leicester, closed last month, after serving the locality for 20 years. Nowadays, with purpose-built medical centres, it stood out that this surgery was located in a ...
I did note with some humour that Subhash Varambhia (Mailbox, March 12) seems to have come up with the ideal solution, though, that the rest of Leicester's rate payers should pay for Clarendon Park to have its own parking scheme, or have I misunderstood?
Whilst extremely pleased that the Clarendon Park community voted so clearly on the residents' parking scheme (Mercury, March 4), it's important that we do not forget that the parking issue and increased congestion in the area presents a real problem.
Proposals for a residents' parking scheme in Leicester's Clarendon Park have been dropped after people voted overwhelmingly against it. Leicester City Council had been considering charging people in the area £25 a year for permits to park in the ...
I would like to draw your attention to the open "parking" space in the Clarendon Park area (opposite Brice Hall) in Queens Road. It has been like that for more than 13 years. Someone tried to start up a car wash business which didn't materialise. Could ...
This week's meeting with Leicester City clinical commissioning group (CCG) is vital for local residents in Knighton, Clarendon Park and Stoneygate, who are concerned about the loss of GP services in the area. We have been assured that there will be ...