LUMBERTON — Anthony Grimaldi has been named director of behavioral health and Steve Milston has been named director of information technology and chief information officer for Southeastern Health. Grimaldi earned a bachelor's degree from ...
A flood warning from Saturday remains in place for the Upper Avon from Upavon to Amesbury affecting Upavon, Haton, Haxton Bridge, Netheravon, Milston, Durrington and Bulford. There is also a flood alert in place for the River Kennet affecting ...
Patřil k nejvýznamnějším představitelům naší meziválečné avantgardní architektury, přesto bylo jeho jméno na dlouhá desetiletí zapomenuto. Ernst Mühlstein, který před druhou světovou válkou zmizel v Austrálii, se narodil před 120 lety v Praze ...
Ben Milston adalah satu dari sejumlah anak muda Australia penganut agama Yahudi yang ingin menjadi tentara nasional Israel. Ia mulai melakukan latihan sekitar pantai Bondi di Sydney untuk menjaga tingkat kebugaran menyiapkan diri bila diperlukan ...
BEN MILSTON: I imagine pretty fit. Trying to build up, you know, the strength and core and everything, so, gotta get prepared. TOM TILLEY: Ben Milston wants to be a combat soldier in the Israeli Army. It's ambition that'll put him on the frontline of ...