A drunk Wishaw thug who threatened to 'put a hole in a man' after he refused to hand over the keys to his van was sentenced to 24 months behind bars. David Armit, who is currently being held in custody at Addiewell Prison pleaded guilty to assaulting ...
St Thomas' Primary and Addiewell Primary to enhance children's learning experiences, led by the head teacher, and the work of all staff in improving self-evaluation to enable children to feel proud of their school. The report noted that the children ...
He's also done a stint in Addiewell on an assault charge . While he was in prison , Paul went along to an Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) workshop. He wasn't sure what it was all about but turned up anyway. That afternoon was to change his life.
Private Cameron McAlpine (17) from Addiewell wants to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather who were both Guardsmen. Cameron was awarded a prize for best Junior Soldier at Leadership and Initiative Training from the prestigious college ...
Laura Gingell, has been confirmed as the new head teacher at Addiewell Primary School and Early Years Centre. She had been (EYC), previous to this Laura had been acting head teacher at the school. A former pupil of St Kentigern's Academy, Laura ...
Contractors who run Scotland's two private prisons at Addiewell and Kilmarnock will be subject to FOI requests from September, as will providers of secure accommodation for children, grant-aided schools and independent special schools.