The film stars newcomer Eric Ruffin alongside Chloe Levine, who made her film debut in Hilary Brougher's thriller “Innocence,” and has been cast in the next season of Netflix's “House of Cards.” The film is produced by Susan Leber, whose credits ...
The film stars newcomer Eric Ruffin alongside Chloe Levine, who made her film debut in Hilary Brougher's thriller Innocence and has been cast in the next season of Netflix's House Of Cards. The film is produced by Susan Leber whose credits include ...
이날 행사에는 미국 벤더컨설팅서비스사(Bender Consulting Services)의 조이스 벤더(Joyce A. Bender)사장, 메리 브루허(Mary L. Brougher)부사장, 주한미대사관 리차드 로버츠(Richard Roberts)외교관 등 미국대사관 관계자 및 미국초청인사 6명이 참석하였으며, ...
Catching up with IU rowers Emily Barber and Rebecca Brougher about the upcoming women's rowing season. Video by Seth Tackett. Catching up with IU rowers Emily Barber and Rebecca Brougher about the upcoming women's rowing season. Video by ...
William Poole and Ai Nguyen in ReACT Theatre's Prelude to a Kiss. • Photo by Mariah Brougher. David Hsieh. Third time's a charm—so ReACT Theatre hopes as they remount Craig Lucas's 1990 romance play Prelude to a Kiss for the third time.
Local Sinn Fein Councillors Stephen McCann, and Glenn Campbell, will join with other walkers to the summit of Brougher Mountain in Trillick at 11am on Saturday to kick off a series of events ahead of the 100th anniversary of the armed insurrection ...