News from City of Westminster
Bernie Vogel, left, and the city of Westminster Arborist, Eric Schlitzer put the finishing touches on the mulch of a freshly planted gingko tree. The tree was one of two planted in honor of baker Jeannie Vogel, who was killed in a car crash in February.
London nagy múltú belkerülete: Westminster, emléktáblával adózik a Kodály-módszert Angliában meghonosító kóruskarnagy és zenepedagógus, Vajda Cecília munkásságának. A Magyar Rádió énekkarának hajdani karnagya 1967 óta élt Angliában, Kodály ...
Gerald Grosvenor, who is also Duke of Westminster, is now the third-richest man in Britain, with an estimated wealth of £8.56 billion. The family-owned international property company bears the Grosvenor name, and those unpromising fields went on to ...
Paddington is in the City of Westminster in the Cities of London & Westminster parliamentary constituency. It has the W2 postcode. Council tax in Westminster has dropped 0.6 per cent for 2016/17. Band A properties now pay £445.87 council tax; Band D ...
For the past four years, Northglenn has worked with the city of Westminster's parks employees in their greenhouse at 7130 Raleigh St. to grow all of the city's flowers from seeds, starting them from packets in February. The partnership has helped ...
Westminster police said this week they've seen a drop in serious crashes at the intersection of Md. 97 and Nursery Road, and they believe one factor might be the city's lone remaining red-light camera. At a briefing this week for city officials ...
Photos from City of Westminster